Bakhabar Noujawan – a platform to learn & gain knowledge about various life matters that a young adult may encounter, whether married or not.

Reproductive Health Helpline

For consultation with a Reproductive Health Expert

Monday - Saturday

9:00 AM to 5:00pm

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  • Who can attend this course?

    Anyone above 15 years of age

  • How long are the modules?

    Each module is of 15 – 20 minutes duration.

  • Do we have to attempt all the modules?

    You can attempt any number of modules you like.

  • What topics are discussed in this course?

    Following topics are discussed in detail:
    i. Population Dynamics, its implications, Reproductive Health Scenario in Pakistan
    ii. Why women and girls have periods every month. Essentials of Menstrual Hygiene
    iii. Healthy Timings and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP)
    iv. Family Planning Methods
    v. Natural Methods of Family Planning
    vi. Modern Methods of Family Planning
    vii. Emergency Contraception
    viii. Addressing side effects and myths/misconceptions of Family Planning
    ix. Non-Contraceptive Benefits of Family Planning
    x. Postponing Periods when required
    xi. Vaginal Discharge
    xii. Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy
    xiii. Child Marriage
    xiv. Child Labour
    xv. Healthy Life Style and Micronutrients Supplementation to ensure health
    xvi. Cervical Cancer – Prevention and Screening for early diagnosis
    xvii. Breast Cancer Screening (self –examination) and early detection
    xviii. Blood Group Screening and its importance for Reproductive Health
    xix. Rubella Screening and Immunization
    xx. Sex Determination of a newborn
    xxi. Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence
    xxii. Thalassemia Screening and Prevention
    xxiii. Down’s Syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies
    xxiv. Safe Sex and Protection against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
    xxv. Nikkah Nama and Haq Mehr
    xxvi. Dowry and Bridal Gifts

  • What are the mandatory courses for registration of Nikah nama (Marriage Certificate)?

    The Following Courses are mandatory to get Certificate for registration of Nikah nama:
    i. Population Dynamics, its implications, Reproductive Health Scenario in Pakistan
    ii. Why women and girls have periods every month. Essentials of Menstrual Hygiene
    iii. Healthy Timings and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP)
    iv. Family Planning Methods
    v. Natural Methods of Family Planning
    vi. Modern Methods of Family Planning
    vii. Emergency Contraception
    viii. Addressing side effects and myths/misconceptions of Family Planning
    ix. Non-Contraceptive Benefits of Family Planning
    x. Safe Sex & Protection against Sexually Transmitted Infections

    Only those people who have completed the above modules, will be able to print a Certificate from this platform which will be acceptable by NADRA for the purpose of registration of Nikah Nama.

  • Which courses should students from schools and colleges attend first?

    Following courses are specifically designed for school and college students but you can take more courses according to your requirement.
    i. Population Dynamics
    ii. Why do women and girls have periods every month. Essentials of Menstural Hygiene
    iii. Postpone Periods when required
    iv. Vaginal Discharge and Premenstrual Syndrome
    v. Healthy Life Style and Micronutrients Supplementation to ensure health
    vi. Rubella Screening and Immunization
    vii. Thalassemia Screening and Prevention
    viii. Down’s Syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies
    ix. Breast Cancer Screening (self –examination) and early detection
    x. Cervical Cancer – Prevention and Screening (HPV Vaccination and Pap Smear)
    xi. Blood Group Screening and its importance for Reproductive Health
    xii. Child Marriage
    xiii. Nikkah Nama and Haq Mehr
    xiv. Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy
    xv. Child Labour

  • What is “setting the context” in all modules?

    This identifies the problems faced by a young adult and the module addresses that problem

  • Is pre and post-test mandatory?


  • How will this course help me in my life?

    This course will give you a better understanding of reproductive and general health. This is a platform for young adults to learn factual, evidence-based information on various aspects of life situations, which they encounter as a part of growing up and while transitioning from an adolescent to a mature responsible adult, whether married or not. The objective is to empower youth (15-29 years) to make informed decisions for their health and well-being and become responsible members of the community.