Bakhabar Noujawan

National Committee for Maternal and Neonatal Health (NCMNH), in collaboration with its implementing partner, Association for Mothers & Newborns (AMAN) works on reproductive health. The two organizations have developed a course on Reproductive Health for young adults, called “Bakhabar Noujawan”.

The background to Bakhabar Noujawan is that in 2018, a Suo moto notice on alarming Population Growth was taken by the Supreme Court of Pakistan under the Human Rights Case (No.17599). Council of Common Interest (CCI) was requested to look into the recommendations and develop a Plan of Action. Among the eight approved recommendations, one was to include pre-marital counselling on family planning as mandatory for Nikah (marriage) registration.

NCMNH under took the task of developing a Reproductive Health course for young adults. This is a platform for them to learn factual, science-based information on various aspects of life situations, which they encounter as a part of growing up and while transitioning from an adolescent to a mature responsible adult, whether married or not. The objective is to empower youth to make informed decisions for their health and well-being and become responsible members of the community.